Add, Subtract...

Ideas for whole number addition & subtraction  


Unifix cube number lines

Unifix Cubes are an excellent manipulative for primary grade children for counting, comparing, and adding and subtracting.  The colors are bright and they’re nicely sized for small children.  Read more

Addition and subtraction with Base 10 Blocks

Here’s a template which helps 1st graders who are having trouble with place value keep their Tens and Ones in order.  We want students to know reflexively that Tens are written to the left of the Ones. ...

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Making Sense of the Common Core

Every teacher has had to explain unfamiliar Math to parents, and now more than ever. Last year we decided to do grade-level presentations to parents of students in Grades 2 and 4, because that's where the most serious misunderstandings seemed to be: addition and subtraction for 2nd Graders, and multiplication and division for 4th.  If you're a second grader, or if you teach them, you'll recognize the numbers and blocks at left.

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